Sunday, February 24, 2013

Single Ticket Voting and Garbage Cans

Preserve single ticket voting

     We do not agree with the Press Citizen’s recent editorial advocating for legislative action to eliminate the ability to vote for all candidates of a single party by filling in a single oval. Although there is no evidence to support whether straight ticket voting negatively affects independent candidates, retention of judges or the outcome of ballot issues, it seems to us that people who want to vote for or against something know it when they enter the voting booth and will do so (if they don't know maybe it's best they not cast an uninformed vote.) Do you want to vote for all Democrats or all Republicans, but want to vote against the proposed new jail? Simply fill in one oval for the party of your choice, then flip your ballot over and fill in the ‘no’ oval on the jail. Do you want to vote more selectively? Simply go down the list and vote as you want. 

     Many voters prefer straight ticket voting; forcing every voter to go down a sometimes long list of candidates and issues and vote separately for each one would lengthen the time it takes to vote, lead to longer lines during heavy voter turnout elections and perhaps discourage some from voting at all. This legislation is promulgated by the Republican Party, which is working across the country to make it harder for people to vote.

   Carol deProsse
     Caroline Dieterle 

Council says 'no' to garbage container ordinance; good riddance to a bad idea

     Prompted by complaints from some residents in the North Side the proposed piece of legislation, which would have required residents to keep their garbage cans behind the building line, appeared on the Council agenda last week. We are glad the Councilors decided to shelve it. This ordinance would have created unnecessary expense for many home owners, would not have solved the problem of some people allowing unsightly trash to bulge out the top of their bin, and it would have punished the many residents who do not over-stuff their garbage containers. Those who recycle and compost do not produce enough garbage to necessitate the behemoth containers the City makes us use and we are already having to haul these monsters back and forth from house to curb; doing this from the back yard would double the insult. Some lots in Iowa City are so small that residents really do not have a choice about where to keep their behemoth containers; in front of the building line is the only or the best and easiest option, particularly for the elderly or infirm.

    A few random thoughts on garbage containers:

Smaller cans for smaller producers.
Provide a smaller size as an option for many;
No matter how big a can is given to some people they will still overflow it;
Provide more aesthetically pleasing cans; and
Enforce the ordinance requiring garbage to be inside the can with the lid shut, which is a public health issue.

Larger cans for larger producers.

    Carol deProsse
     Caroline Dieterle 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

City Manager's Attitude Hurts All County Residents

Iowa City            JohnsonCounty
      Current relations between Iowa City and Johnson County lead one to conclude that either City Manager Markus is in desperate need of a basic civics tutorial on Iowa local government, or he is adopting an exceedingly selfish “me first and the devil take the hindmost” policy in his dealings with the County.  

     Since he has stated publicly that he wants to stay here for the rest of his active career it seems that ignorance is the more likely reason for his intransigence. He spent many years in Michigan where local government is structured far differently and the county does not play the role that it does in Iowa: 

With a strong township structure the system is more diffuse in Michigan, but here the city is a mere pimple on the face of the County (or as with Coralville, a running sore).

     In Johnson County the cities are starving the County by their use of TIFs and are still expecting the County to take care of all the key services that it is responsible for under the Code of Iowa. This cavalier and shortsighted view has got to STOP.

     With those thoughts we reprint -- with permission and some minor editing -- the comments of Supervisor Rod Sullivan in his latest edition of Sullivan’s Salvos. If you are interested in subscribing to Rod’s weekly comments, mostly on county business, you may do so by sending an email to with the word ‘subscribe’ in the subject line.

--Carol deProsse
   Caroline Dieterle

An Open Letter to City Manager Tom Markus

Dear Tom:

You blew it. There was a great opportunity for Iowa City and Johnson County to work together, but you blew it.

OK – let me get the obvious out of the way. I am speaking for myself, and not the whole Board of Supervisors. (I have a disclaimer that says as much at the end of every edition of Salvos. Today is no different.) Let me also say – if individual Board members disagree with me, you should ask them to explain their own theories. You deserve to know how the people that represent you think.

You screwed the County when it came to the Animal Shelter and now you are being disingenuous when it comes to SEATS negotiations. I do not trust you. I do not like the way you do business.

It was not always this way. Yes, Iowa City has always assumed itself to be superior to Johnson County. That mild arrogance is just Iowa City. It is almost heartwarming.  (DELETE ‘For you”) But Iowa City was never malicious. As a matter of fact, Iowa City used to be quite friendly and helpful where Johnson County was concerned. Things took a turn for the worse during the whole JECC debacle, but we were recovering from that. You blew it.

So Tom. Let’s talk a bit about YOUR “theories” as they apply to local government.

First of all, Iowa City recently put out a press release on the SEATS program. In the first sentence of the 5th paragraph, it stated: "Johnson County has firmly indicated that they intend to phase out funding of para-transit services."

That sentence is patently false. Johnson County is committed to continuing to provide SEATS services in EVERY case where SEATS is a County responsibility. The only "phasing out" is the decision Johnson County made to "phase out" a $500,000+ annual subsidy to Iowa City. I would like the public record to reflect the reality rather than your gross misrepresentation.

Johnson County's commitment to pay for para-transit services has been demonstrated for 40+ years.  Now it is time for Iowa City to step up and meet its federally mandated responsibilities.

The press release goes on to state: “Central to these discussions is the issue of having each community fund their equitable portion for the services provided to their residents. Iowa City firmly believes that our residents should pay an equitable share of costs for these critically important para-transit services. However, we also understand that our residents pay taxes to both Iowa City and Johnson County and further believe that equitable funding shares should include the source of tax dollars regardless of the governmental entity that collects them.”

That would be great. But it is not true. You do not REALLY want equitable funding and you apparently don’t mind gouging the County.

Want to pay equitably, Tom? We can get together a bill for Ambulance services – about 80% of the calls occur in Iowa City. Your Public Health bill will be huge – you can cover the costs of inspecting all the restaurants, tattoo parlors, swimming pools, saunas, etc. You’ll also owe quite a bit for WIC and Child and Maternal Health – most of those clients come from Iowa City. Don’t even get me STARTED on alcohol issues!

A high percentage of the people who use Johnson County Conservation areas/trails are from Iowa City. We will need to charge you accordingly. Almost all of our Medical Examiner calls occur within Iowa City limits. That will cost you well over a million bucks. The County has an annual Mental Health budget of over $15 million. Most of the clients live in Iowa City. Your check for $12 million can’t arrive soon enough!

Iowa City residents can pay a surcharge every time they use the Recorder’s Office. Most of our births, deaths, marriages, divorces, and property transactions are in Iowa City. Same goes for the Treasurer’s Office - whenever they pay taxes or renew plates. These offices cost money to run, you know! Oh, and the Treasurer collects and distributes all of Iowa City’s annual property taxes – over $70 million. We are going to need to begin charging a small fee for this service; perhaps 1%. Surely you don’t object!

Iowa City cops can start paying to drop prisoners off at the jail. Better yet, build your own goddamned jail! Iowa City puts the most people there anyway! And you’ll be getting a bill for Iowa City residents who access the Courts. The County Attorney will need to charge about $400/hour to prosecute all Iowa City cases. That will be a lot, but don’t worry – it should be under $10 million!

Johnson County is spending about $4 million on human services. Ummm…. I hate to break it to you, but –yeah. Mostly Iowa City. Plus we pay to house DHS and Juvenile Court. The people using those offices are largely from Swisher. (Whoops! I mean largely from Iowa City! Just seeing if you are still paying attention!) Veteran’s Affairs? Almost all Iowa City. But that is a relatively small budget.

And last but certainly NOT least – we’d love the millions in TIF money you have stolen over the years!

Still want “equitable funding”, Tom? Yeah, that is what I thought! It makes for a great sound bite, but in reality, your “principled stand” is all bullshit.

I live in Iowa City. My home is assessed at $162,000. I pay about $1400 (44%) of my taxes to Iowa City. I pay about $550 (17%) of my taxes to Johnson County. (About 37% goes to the ICCSD.)

Now that I think about it, Tom – why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and charge Iowa City residents based only upon the services they use? If your theory works on the city level, why not the individual level?

I have never had a fire, and don’t wish to pay for the Fire Department (and their fancy fireplaces). So chop that off my taxes. The public art you have chosen is not to my liking – I’ll take a refund on that, too. Senior Center? I’m not even 50 yet.

Streets? Frankly, the plowing is piss-poor. I’m not paying full freight there. Cut my share in half. Building inspectors? Used one once, and paid a fee to do so. Count me out.

Parks? I use a lot of them. But none on the west side. Put my bill for them at 75%. My kids are basically grown, so no more paying for soccer fields or swimming pools for me. Let the users pay, right Tom?

Oh, and salaries! Your $160,000 salary?  I believe in paying a livable wage, so put me down for my share of the $50,000 I think you are worth.

OK – I will freely admit that I have been cheeky in presenting these examples. But the fact remains, my examples are EVERY BIT as legitimate as your arguments re: SEATS. Iowa City residents may be paying a tiny bit too much in one area – they are paying a tiny bit too little in others. If folks are too upset by this, they have recourse!

We have a great system in County government – we vote. If the majority of the people want me gone, I’m gone. You, meanwhile… there is NOTHING I can do to get rid of you. I’d have to recruit 4 candidates who all agreed to fire you. All 4 would need to win, that takes two election cycles. You are pretty untouchable – I’ll give you that!

Markus, you should probably focus on the 44% of my taxes that is your job! If you want to be a County Supervisor, you should run for the job! Meanwhile, the city I have called home for 30 years is getting worse, not better. Tom – you have work to do. Why don’t you quit whining about Johnson County and do it?

By the way, I am happy to discuss any and all of this in any public forum. I prefer a public forum, where minutes are kept or recordings are made. See, I have nothing to hide, this is public business – may you have the courage to discuss it in public!

I have known/visited Iowa City my whole life. I have lived in Iowa City for 30 years. I am an Iowa Citian. I am not going anywhere. You, on the other hand, are a hired gun. You are going to be here 2-3 more years, then take the retirement you want to deny your cops and firefighters and retire to someplace you consider home. And I’ll be here to clean up your mess. I care about this City, and I care about this County. You decided to put my town's future in the balance. You now have a fight on your hands and may the best man win.

Supervisor Rod Sullivan